Monday, March 09, 2009

Watch TV shows online for free

When I moved to UK for my higher studies, I was living in this shared house with my other student friends. We didn't have a TV and we couldn't afford to buy one and to pay for the license. Days passed, without a TV, without my fav shows and characters.. for a TV addict like me, this was something unimaginable. I was totally losing it.

I couldn't concentrate on my studies or my social life.. because of my addiction to TV... Then, I started searching the internet for the solution to my 'big' problem... I know.. I sound shallow... not having a TV to watch is not the end of the world...there are people with much bigger problems in the world..

But for me.. a person who was so obsessed with the sitcoms and dramadies ..this was an actual problem.. after a lot of search...getting registered into so many sites (because only registered users can watch anything)... most of the sites ask you to pay a certain amount to be with your favs... (f I had the money for that.. I would have bought the damn TV and paid for the license)..

So after a loooong search.. I found some sites which is really helpful and I watch my favourite TV shows whenever I want and guess what.. it is totally free and you don't even have to register to anything...

Now I am living in another shared house.. eventhough we have a TV now... I don't watch it... because... now I don't watch TV on their schedule... I watch it whenever I want to watch it online..

Then I thought... perhaps there are others who are in the same (or remotely the same) position that I am in.. who wants to watch TV online for free..because of so many reasons... so I thought why don't I just help them out.. and make them the way I am right now...

Here are some of the websites where you can watch your fav TV shows.

take care and have fun..