Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What is in a title??? I would say everything!!!

The idea of having a catchy title has always intrigued me.. I am a sucker for titles.. whenever I think about writing something I don't think about what I am going to write... I think about what title should I give for whatever I am going to write.. Once I decide the title, then I draw the graph of the subject for my writing..

Even now.. I thought about the title first and then these words.. I guess its a journalism trick I picked up from reading all those gossip columns in tabaloids..

The title can actually make somebody interested in the topic.. actually it is the title which sparks the enthusiasm of the reader.. if you read an headline which says, "Politician visited Barbados with his wife".. the first impression of the reader would be "So.. big deal!!!".. but if the title is "Politician taking a vacation at Barbados with a woman".. you really want to read it .. eventhough you have no interest in politics or politicians...

That is the magic of will turn on your curiosity and will definitely kill the cat...

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